
  • Kuroit 目前在美國、德國、英國、新加坡、日本、瑞士接有節點,本次是測試新上架的日本主機。
  • 採用 AMD R9 3900X & 1Gbps AS136557 Host Universal Pty Ltd 線路。
  • 目前還在預購階段但已經發貨,剩下 IPv6 等廣播過去,預購還有小優惠。




Looking Glass

  • IPv4:


 CPU Model          : AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor
 CPU Cores          : 1 Core @ 3799.998 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✓ Enabled
 Total Disk         : 1.9 GB / 14.9 GB
 Total Mem          : 323.4 MB / 926.2 MB
 System uptime      : 0 days, 0 hour 1 min
 Load average       : 0.66, 0.28, 0.10
 OS                 : Debian GNU/Linux 12 x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 6.1.0-9-amd64
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : KVM
 IP                 : 45.67.XX.XX
 Organization       : AS136557 Host Universal Pty Ltd
 Location           : Zürich / CH
 Region             : Zurich

CPU 性能測試

 -> CPU Performance Test (Standard Mode, 3-Pass @ 30sec)

 1 Thread Test:                 2122 Scores
Geekbench 4 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 5754                          
Multi Core      | 5542                          
Full Test       | https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/cpu/16848360


 -> Memory Performance Test (Standard Mode, 3-Pass @ 30sec)

 1 Thread - Read Test :         55810.42 MB/s
 1 Thread - Write Test:         25500.67 MB/s


 -> Disk Speed Test (4K Block/1M Block, Direct-Write)

 Test Name              Write Speed                             Read Speed
 10MB-4K Block          62.9 MB/s (0.07 IOPS, 0.17s))           82.7 MB/s (20200 IOPS, 0.13s)
 10MB-1M Block          991 MB/s (944 IOPS, 0.01s)              2.6 GB/s (2521 IOPS, 0.00s)
 100MB-4K Block         74.2 MB/s (0.06 IOPS, 1.41s))           104 MB/s (25398 IOPS, 1.01s)
 100MB-1M Block         960 MB/s (915 IOPS, 0.11s)              3.5 GB/s (3365 IOPS, 0.03s)
 1GB-4K Block           73.1 MB/s (0.06 IOPS, 14.35s))          115 MB/s (28127 IOPS, 9.10s)
 1GB-1M Block           1.4 GB/s (1337 IOPS, 0.75s)             3.1 GB/s (2971 IOPS, 0.34s)
fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 302.70 MB/s  (75.6k) | 2.33 GB/s    (36.4k)
Write      | 303.49 MB/s  (75.8k) | 2.34 GB/s    (36.6k)
Total      | 606.19 MB/s (151.5k) | 4.67 GB/s    (73.0k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 2.70 GB/s     (5.2k) | 2.55 GB/s     (2.4k)
Write      | 2.84 GB/s     (5.5k) | 2.72 GB/s     (2.6k)
Total      | 5.54 GB/s    (10.8k) | 5.27 GB/s     (5.1k)


全球 Ping 測試


Speedtest.net 測試

 Node Name                  Upload Speed      Download Speed    Latency     Result      
 Speedtest.net              348.89 Mbps       941.97 Mbps       266.85 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/f6b013cc-6a57-405e-a6da-05311f33ecc0
 TW, Chunghwa Mobile        941.56 Mbps       947.57 Mbps       32.91 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/4ab76174-d4dd-4f67-9069-aba561244b43
 TW, Taiwan Mobile          99.58 Mbps        51.91 Mbps        30.90 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/3141c7f2-2d5e-45b5-80d4-75c2f9bdacc3
 TW, Chief Telecom          946.55 Mbps       957.57 Mbps       34.28 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/aa42f893-7b92-449d-8ffe-390d2b43bade
 TW, TAIFO                  720.42 Mbps       934.34 Mbps       30.87 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/7f4b8076-2c9d-4ced-bb5f-0a8c2ee7a0b3
 TW, TFN                    99.22 Mbps        99.52 Mbps        31.05 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/3053bf0b-2fec-4e4d-8576-d488ceebf822
 TW, DFT                    921.12 Mbps       935.84 Mbps       34.52 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/1c240438-fdf7-4469-bb08-be41c194424e
 TW, FET                    640.80 Mbps       680.18 Mbps       127.70 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/4a849568-2e28-4d6b-85cd-3739b0607ab5
 CN, Jiangsu Zhenjiang CT   0.95 Mbps         82.26 Mbps        94.71 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/0eef7977-9bd9-438a-b8f5-d0612ed365e4
 CN, Shanghai CU            9.98 Mbps         937.86 Mbps       34.49 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/c12798d0-72c5-40cc-92ec-d6bdfef225ba
 CN, Wuxi, Jiangsu CU       3.98 Mbps         938.66 Mbps       34.96 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/4fea6172-df01-45d3-b982-d2b6065768e5
 CN, Chengdu, Sichuan CM    436.14 Mbps       859.85 Mbps       204.00 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/0a9f9fd2-e12f-4144-9f25-7704750019bc
 CN, Jiangsu Kunshan EDU    3.09 Mbps         2.73 Mbps         218.79 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/1dc70e20-017a-4234-9bf8-d46316deb1de
 CN, Sichuan Chengdu BN     849.11 Mbps       942.77 Mbps       85.44 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/117e374e-9501-4936-8fa2-e321bd267a31
 HK, HKIX                   920.97 Mbps       937.70 Mbps       49.99 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/6a062eb8-9efe-4c4d-a915-a856d184959a
 HK, i3D.net                826.51 Mbps       943.18 Mbps       100.65 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/ed34cf11-1334-4948-abd6-88383d125e6b
 JP, i3D.net                427.88 Mbps       941.02 Mbps       0.35 ms     https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/8d49eeba-5e24-444f-8a8c-43199f908422
 JP, fdcservers.net         937.86 Mbps       940.09 Mbps       0.22 ms     https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/2b1b62cb-e350-42d0-afd7-56d5457d19a0
 SG, i3D.net                923.92 Mbps       945.96 Mbps       65.77 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/e9a72f4a-f950-4bb7-a496-d7a7a3610575
 SG, NewMedia Express       918.59 Mbps       940.91 Mbps       64.49 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/5ba62088-3fa0-4615-bb76-24325f0c5b05
 MY, Telekom Malaysia       684.45 Mbps       944.21 Mbps       105.76 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/2eb26ca8-a664-4171-9951-ae0f7d70c237
 MY, Celcom                 664.84 Mbps       906.93 Mbps       121.18 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/63c9c59b-c842-4ff1-bb59-e1a87576c7df
 DE, GSL Networks           379.98 Mbps       595.58 Mbps       239.20 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/de204902-2948-47f3-a4d8-0a272d5e0358
 DE, wirsNET                65.22 Mbps        900.79 Mbps       237.61 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/491c3ed2-edc4-46e9-84b7-3566a387f456
 TR, Turkcell               312.56 Mbps       983.31 Mbps       285.01 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/e754df77-cbcc-4109-b108-31093c4e62f0
 TR, TurkNet                261.14 Mbps       922.50 Mbps       259.58 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/048ef99e-2b6b-4f46-a3b3-8ddb98dd5a6f

iperf3 測試

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 17.0 Mbits/sec  | 22.1 Mbits/sec  | 231 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | busy            | 267 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | busy            | 675 Mbits/sec   | 241 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | busy            | 680 Mbits/sec   | 246 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 803 Mbits/sec   | 283 Mbits/sec   | 164 ms         
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 824 Mbits/sec   | 840 Mbits/sec   | 129 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 859 Mbits/sec   | 872 Mbits/sec   | 103 ms                        



traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.35 ms  AS136557,AS203363  瑞士, 苏黎世州, 苏黎世, develapp.me
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.28 ms  AS60068  日本, 东京都, 东京, datacamp.co.uk
 3  ae-14.a01.tokyjp09.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  0.42 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  ae-15.r32.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.90 ms  AS2914  日本, 东京都, 东京, ntt.com
 5  ae-1.r02.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.26 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  ae-0.hinet.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  34.27 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  61-221-53-30.hinet-ip.hinet.net (  33.60 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  dns.hinet.net (  32.24 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.29 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.33 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  vl215.tyo-eq8-edge-1.cdn77.com (  0.28 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  gce-tyo.cdn77.com (  3.94 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 5  ae0.0.pjr02.wad001.flagtel.com (  2.92 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  ae2.0.eji01.tpe001.flagtel.com (  31.52 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  31.72 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  h237-192-72-124.seed.net.tw (  30.75 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  r57-186.seed.net.tw (  31.00 ms  http: 403  http: 403
10  h98-192-72-49.seed.net.tw (  31.73 ms  http: 403  http: 403
11  ks1-254.dialup.seed.net.tw (  32.08 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.31 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.26 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  vl215.tyo-eq8-edge-1.cdn77.com (  0.27 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  twgate-tyo.cdn77.com (  0.85 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 5  175-41-60-49.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  60.01 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  203-78-181-241.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  58.63 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  175-41-58-146.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  54.17 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  203-78-187-78.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  51.92 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  32.08 ms  http: 403  http: 403
10  IL203-79-251-42.static.apol.com.tw (  32.82 ms  http: 403  http: 403
11  *
12  33.40 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.27 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.25 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  vl215.tyo-eq8-edge-1.cdn77.com (  0.28 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  twgate-tyo.cdn77.com (  0.99 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 5  203-78-181-185.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  57.74 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  203-78-181-222.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  50.61 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  175-41-63-86.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  53.31 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  56.37 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  68.68 ms  http: 403  http: 403
10  *
11  gw.so-net.net.tw (  53.82 ms  http: 403  http: 403
12  gw.so-net.net.tw (  53.74 ms  http: 403  http: 403
13  ns1.so-net.net.tw (  57.88 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.28 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.33 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  vl215.tyo-eq8-edge-1.cdn77.com (  0.25 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  twgate-tyo.cdn77.com (  0.98 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 5  175-41-60-49.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  59.74 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  203-78-181-241.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  58.77 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  175-41-58-146.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  54.14 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  175-41-63-190.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  33.23 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  60-199-14-246.static.tfn.net.tw (  32.18 ms  http: 403  http: 403
10  219-87-66-1.static.tfn.net.tw (  33.39 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.29 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.25 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  *
 4  100ge0-80.core2.tpe1.he.net (  30.78 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 5  chief-telecom-inc.e0-23.switch1.tpe1.he.net (  30.83 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  133-252-123-103-static.chief.net.tw (  32.02 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  137-64-26-223-static.chief.net.tw (  31.89 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  209-84-21-113-static.chief.net.tw (  32.72 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  210-84-21-113-static.chief.net.tw (  31.94 ms  http: 403  http: 403
10  31.83 ms  http: 403  http: 403
11  *
12  31.84 ms  http: 403  http: 403
13  32.26 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.29 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.24 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  63-216-242-193.static.pccwglobal.net (  0.79 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  BE42.br02.tap04.pccwbtn.net (  31.26 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 5  ncic.be6.br01.tap04.pccwbtn.net (  31.30 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  60-199-14-246.static.tfn.net.tw (  31.21 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  60-199-3-129.static.tfn.net.tw (  31.55 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  60-199-47-206.static.tfn.net.tw (  31.36 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  219-80-240-90.static.tfn.net.tw (  32.13 ms  http: 403  http: 403
10  *
11  *
12  123-195-236-110.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw (  32.74 ms  http: 403  http: 403


traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.32 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.24 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  ae-14.a01.tokyjp09.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  0.35 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  ae-15.r32.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.86 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 5  ae-1.r02.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.25 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  xe-4.chinanet.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  90.98 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  91.23 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  94.06 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  *
10  *
11  *
12 (  111.96 ms  http: 403  http: 403
13  bj141-147-210.bjtelecom.net (  148.66 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.32 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.25 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  ae-14.a01.tokyjp09.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  0.44 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  ae-15.r32.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.86 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 5  ae-1.r02.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.10 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  62.05 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  72.24 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  *
 9  *
10  69.01 ms  http: 403  http: 403
11  ns-pd.online.sh.cn (  73.67 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.25 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.32 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  ae-14.a01.tokyjp09.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  0.50 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  ae-2.r31.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.03 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 5  ae-3.r02.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.04 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  *
 7  *
 8  98.10 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  100.48 ms  http: 403  http: 403
10  *
11  *
12  101.69 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.25 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.24 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  ae-14.a01.tokyjp09.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  0.46 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  *
 5  ae-3.r26.osakjp02.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  8.47 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  ae-1.r03.osakjp02.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  8.23 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  57.17 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  66.61 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  *
10  *
11  69.56 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.29 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.31 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  ae-14.a01.tokyjp09.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  0.41 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  ae-15.r32.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  0.91 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 5  ae-3.r26.osakjp02.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  7.97 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  ae-1.a02.osakjp02.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  8.10 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  ae-0.cnc-g.osakjp02.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  39.47 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  40.08 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  *
10  *
11  33.81 ms  http: 403  http: 403
12  34.80 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.31 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.31 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  ae-14.a01.tokyjp09.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  0.55 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  *
 5  ae-1.r03.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.25 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  xe-2.cnc-g.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  59.23 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  56.98 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  56.95 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  66.62 ms  http: 403  http: 403
10  66.32 ms  http: 403  http: 403
11  dns2-ftcg.gdsz.cncnet.net (  73.15 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.28 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.23 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  ae-14.a01.tokyjp09.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.27 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  *
 5  ae-13.r31.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  2.70 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  ae-2.r22.taiptw01.tw.bb.gin.ntt.net (  31.98 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  ae-0.r23.taiptw01.tw.bb.gin.ntt.net (  35.54 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  *
 9  ae-0.a02.tkokhk01.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  54.03 ms  http: 403  http: 403
10  *
11  *
12  *
13  *
14  *
15  *
16  *
17  202.58 ms  http: 403  http: 403
18  *
19  *
20  *
21  *
22  *
23  *
24  *
25  *
26  *
27  cachedns03.bj.chinamobile.com (  201.22 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.31 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.26 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  ae-14.a01.tokyjp09.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  0.42 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  *
 5  ae-13.r31.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  0.97 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  ae-2.r22.taiptw01.tw.bb.gin.ntt.net (  31.93 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  ae-0.r23.taiptw01.tw.bb.gin.ntt.net (  31.46 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  ae-4.r26.tkokhk01.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  53.61 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  ae-1.r02.tkokhk01.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  53.57 ms  http: 403  http: 403
10  *
11  *
12  *
13  *
14  184.34 ms  http: 403  http: 403
15  *
16  *
17  186.23 ms  http: 403  http: 403
18  180.75 ms  http: 403  http: 403
19  181.12 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.29 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.24 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  ae-14.a01.tokyjp09.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.04 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  ae-15.r32.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  4.72 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 5  ae-2.r26.tkokhk01.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  47.96 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  ae-1.r02.tkokhk01.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  49.57 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  *
 8  53.05 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  *
10  *
11  179.97 ms  http: 403  http: 403
12  181.97 ms  http: 403  http: 403
13  200.57 ms  http: 403  http: 403
14  205.42 ms  http: 403  http: 403
15  *
16  ns6.gd.cnmobile.net (  204.62 ms  http: 403  http: 403
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1 (  0.26 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 2  unn-156-146-32-136.cdn77.com (  0.28 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 3  ae-14.a01.tokyjp09.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.59 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 4  *
 5  ae-2.r26.tkokhk01.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  48.86 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 6  ae-2.a01.chwahk02.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  59.96 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 7  54.14 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 8  51.98 ms  http: 403  http: 403
 9  52.32 ms  http: 403  http: 403
10  88.47 ms  http: 403  http: 403
11  90.21 ms  http: 403  http: 403
12  *
13  88.24 ms  http: 403  http: 403
14  104.26 ms  http: 403  http: 403
15  *
16  116.17 ms  http: 403  http: 403
17  *
18  *
19  *
20  115.10 ms  http: 403  http: 403



** 正在测试IPv4解锁情况 
 ** 您的网络为:  (45.67.*.*) 

============[ Multination ]============
 Dazn:                                  Yes (Region: CH)
 HotStar:                               No
 Disney+:                               No
 Netflix:                               Yes (Region: CH)
 YouTube Premium:                       Yes (Region: GB)
 Amazon Prime Video:                    Yes (Region: CH)
 TVBAnywhere+:                          Yes
 iQyi Oversea Region:                   INTL
 Viu.com:                               No
 YouTube CDN:                           Hong Kong 
 Netflix Preferred CDN:                 Tokyo  
 Spotify Registration:                  Yes (Region: CH)
 Steam Currency:                        CHF
 ChatGPT:                               Yes
==============[ Taiwan ]===============
 KKTV:                                  No
 LiTV:                                  No
 MyVideo:                               No
 4GTV.TV:                               Failed
 LineTV.TW:                             No
 Hami Video:                            No
 CatchPlay+:                            No
 HBO GO Asia:                           No
 Bahamut Anime:                         Failed (Network Connection)
 Bilibili Taiwan Only:                  No
=============[ Hong Kong ]=============
 Now E:                                 Failed (Unexpected Result: )
 Viu.TV:                                No
 MyTVSuper:                             No
 HBO GO Asia:                           No
 BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan:        No
===============[ Japan ]===============
 DMM:                                   Unsupported
 DMM TV:                                No
 Abema.TV:                              Oversea Only
 Niconico:                              No
 music.jp:                              No
 Telasa:                                No
 U-NEXT:                                Failed (Network Connection)
 Hulu Japan:                            No
 TVer:                                  Failed (Network Connection)
 GYAO!:                                 Yes
 WOWOW:                                 Failed
 VideoMarket:                           Failed (Unexpected Result: 404)
 FOD(Fuji TV):                          No
 Radiko:                                No
 Karaoke@DAM:                           Yes
 J:com On Demand:                       No
 Kancolle Japan:                        No
 Pretty Derby Japan:                    Yes
 Konosuba Fantastic Days:               No
 Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan:        Yes
 World Flipper Japan:                   Yes
 Project Sekai: Colorful Stage:         No
===========[ North America ]===========
 FOX:                                   No
 Hulu:                                  Failed
 NFL+:                                  Yes
 ESPN+:[Sponsored by Jam]               No
 Epix:                                  No
 Starz:                                 No
 Philo:                                 No
 FXNOW:                                 No
 TLC GO:                                No
 HBO Max:                               No
 Shudder:                               Yes
 BritBox:                               Yes
 Crackle:                               No
 CW TV:                                 No
 A&E TV:                                No
 NBA TV:                                Yes
 NBC TV:                                No
 Fubo TV:                               Yes
 Tubi TV:                               No
 Sling TV:                              Yes
 Pluto TV:                              Yes
 Acorn TV:                              Yes
 SHOWTIME:                              Yes
 encoreTVB:                             No
 Funimation:                            Failed
 Discovery+:                            No
 Paramount+:                            Yes
 Peacock TV:                            No
 Popcornflix:                           No
 Crunchyroll:                           No
 Directv Stream:                        No
 KBS American:                          Failed (Network Connection)
 KOCOWA:                                No
 Maths Spot:                            Failed
 CBC Gem:                               No
 Crave:                                 Yes
===========[ South America ]===========
 Star+:                                 No
 HBO Max:                               No
 DirecTV Go:                            Yes (Region: CO)
 Funimation:                            Failed
===============[ Europe ]==============
 Rakuten TV:                            Yes
 Funimation:                            Failed
 SkyShowTime:                           No
 HBO Max:                               No
 Maths Spot:                            Failed
 Sky Go:                                Yes
 BritBox:                               Yes
 ITV Hub:                               No
 Channel 4:                             No
 Channel 5:                             No
 BBC iPLAYER:                           No
 Discovery+ UK:                         No
 Salto:                                 Failed (Network Connection)
 Canal+:                                Yes
 Molotov:                               No
 Joyn:                                  No
 Sky:                                   No
 ZDF:                                   No
 NLZIET:                                Failed
 videoland:                             Failed (Network Connection)
 NPO Start Plus:                        No
 PANTAYA:                               Failed (Network Connection)
 Rai Play:                              Yes
 Amediateka:                            Yes
==============[ Oceania ]==============
 NBA TV:                                Yes
 Acorn TV:                              Yes
 SHOWTIME:                              Yes
 BritBox:                               Yes
 Funimation:                            Failed
 Paramount+:                            Yes
 Stan:                                  Yes
 Binge:                                 No
 Docplay:                               No
 7plus:                                 No
 Channel 9:                             No
 Channel 10:                            No
 ABC iView:                             No
 Kayo Sports:                           No
 Optus Sports:                          No
 SBS on Demand:                         No
 Neon TV:                               Yes
 SkyGo NZ:                              No
 ThreeNow:                              No
 Maori TV:                              Yes
==============[ Korean ]===============
 Wavve:                                 No
 Tving:                                 No
 Coupang Play:                          No
 Naver TV:                              No
 Afreeca TV:                            Yes
 KBS Domestic:                          Failed (Network Connection)