
Bloom Host 一間專注於 Minecraft Server & VDS 的託管,最特別的就在於去程的網路是採用 Cloudflare Magic Transit 直接享有 Cloudflare 的抗攻擊能力。

VDS 分為 Performance & Performance+ 兩種規格,分別採用 3950X 與 5950X,新加坡僅有 Performance+ 的規格,核心皆是專用核心而不是共享。

我已經用過這間託管 5 個月了,整體品質非常不錯,只斷過一次,他們的工作人員也很快解決,而且這個價格超便宜的是 5950X 這種高性能 CPU 而且是 100% 專用的又有 Cloudflare Magic Transit 抗攻擊,當初也就是看上這幾個特點而買的,本次測試有重新安裝主機進行測試。

  • 本次所選的方案


Looking Glass




 CPU Model          : AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor
 CPU Cores          : 1 Core @ 3393.614 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✓ Enabled
 Total Disk         : 2.1 GB / 59.0 GB
 Total Mem          : 87.4 MB / 3.8 GB
 System uptime      : 0 days, 0 hour 1 min
 Load average       : 0.43, 0.15, 0.05
 OS                 : Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.4.0-29-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : KVM
 IP                 : 66.118.234.**
 Organization       : AS399244 AME Hosting LLC
 Location           : Singapore / SG
 Region             : Singapore

CPU 性能測試

 -> CPU Performance Test (Standard Mode, 3-Pass @ 30sec)

 1 Thread Test:                 5174 Scores
Geekbench 4 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 6295                          
Multi Core      | 5926                          
Full Test       | https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/cpu/16763464

Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 1407                          
Multi Core      | 1389                          
Full Test       | https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/21240069


 -> Memory Performance Test (Standard Mode, 3-Pass @ 30sec)

 1 Thread - Read Test :         60461.68 MB/s
 1 Thread - Write Test:         32626.92 MB/s


 -> Disk Speed Test (4K Block/1M Block, Direct-Write)

 Test Name              Write Speed                             Read Speed
 10MB-4K Block          76.6 MB/s (0.05 IOPS, 0.14s))           86.6 MB/s (21151 IOPS, 0.12s)
 10MB-1M Block          1.2 GB/s (1140 IOPS, 0.01s)             957 MB/s (913 IOPS, 0.01s)
 100MB-4K Block         82.3 MB/s (0.05 IOPS, 1.27s))           105 MB/s (25692 IOPS, 1.00s)
 100MB-1M Block         1.3 GB/s (1221 IOPS, 0.08s)             1.4 GB/s (1318 IOPS, 0.08s)
 1GB-4K Block           66.2 MB/s (0.06 IOPS, 15.84s))          101 MB/s (24632 IOPS, 10.39s)
 1GB-1M Block           1.2 GB/s (1169 IOPS, 0.85s)             1.5 GB/s (1384 IOPS, 0.72s)
fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 401.07 MB/s (100.2k) | 747.81 MB/s  (11.6k)
Write      | 402.12 MB/s (100.5k) | 751.75 MB/s  (11.7k)
Total      | 803.19 MB/s (200.7k) | 1.49 GB/s    (23.4k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 473.10 MB/s    (924) | 262.18 MB/s    (256)
Write      | 498.24 MB/s    (973) | 279.64 MB/s    (273)
Total      | 971.35 MB/s   (1.8k) | 541.82 MB/s    (529)


全球 Ping 測試


Speedtest.net 測試

 Node Name                  Upload Speed      Download Speed    Latency     Result      
 Speedtest.net              813.45 Mbps       377.40 Mbps       1.93 ms     https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/1eb18adb-5ae1-4fdb-961f-1e207b363f57
 TW, Chunghwa Mobile        870.65 Mbps       967.29 Mbps       80.79 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/766823ac-6bed-469f-8636-729a38f475e0
 TW, Taiwan Mobile          95.18 Mbps        948.61 Mbps       62.68 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/8ef1a898-6b50-4797-92a8-b583454f6a9b
 TW, Chief Telecom          830.04 Mbps       957.68 Mbps       54.12 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/c0b21159-77c4-471c-9c9a-5c768539a47f
 TW, TAIFO                  709.35 Mbps       914.18 Mbps       58.56 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/d2d56182-aea9-46e3-9b8b-d7e233049c98
 TW, TFN                    78.22 Mbps        953.29 Mbps       62.60 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/78256e49-c28d-4a18-9016-44fd3885c2ee
 TW, DFT                    95.25 Mbps        168.98 Mbps       70.89 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/53e5163c-acbc-4bf0-b67b-e69a9696cc39
 TW, FET                    105.75 Mbps       936.62 Mbps       88.76 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/54470b9f-78c1-4544-bf05-608290e1904e
 CN, Tianjin CT             0.29 Mbps         0.92 Mbps         357.66 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/15d1ae98-2c97-4a68-b68e-76ac9f636b1e
 CN, Chengdu, Sichuan CT    0.29 Mbps         5.34 Mbps         370.86 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/8ed6261a-5afc-4d79-9407-84e3a7619e3a
 CN, Shanghai CU            12.58 Mbps        96.74 Mbps        323.56 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/f66fdef3-4e59-4674-95e4-0cbea24f0246
 CN, Wuxi, Jiangsu CU       3.98 Mbps         699.19 Mbps       225.98 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/677b5e32-60e9-48b2-aaa6-f32497413e8e
 CN, Zhengzhou, Henan CU    0.80 Mbps         506.90 Mbps       268.92 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/ef79065a-35b2-4348-8a10-e151470681bd
 CN, Shenyang, Liaoning CU  0.52 Mbps         24.08 Mbps        278.79 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/5ffcb57b-cefc-4622-8b5a-c79a3bf4a2ee
 CN, Chengdu, Sichuan CM    266.22 Mbps       819.76 Mbps       259.87 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/1e2aa83f-5a9c-4722-89db-dd022785d424
 CN, Jiangsu Kunshan EDU    0.85 Mbps         4.18 Mbps         98.16 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/39b4939a-dab9-48e9-a068-a4c61fd3e395
 CN, Sichuan Chengdu BN     1.36 Mbps         575.04 Mbps       299.38 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/764351d3-521b-42ec-b902-8da8760b7688
 HK, HKIX                   856.34 Mbps       924.24 Mbps       40.74 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/df0868b5-3ad1-4007-9344-6dc463e7755d
 HK, i3D.net                907.63 Mbps       934.84 Mbps       35.56 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/f89e52aa-4c0e-4756-aa36-5ff8018f7828
 JP, i3D.net                756.63 Mbps       878.01 Mbps       67.63 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/f47c074c-d1e9-4262-9109-4a6efc441be2
 JP, GSL Networks           773.33 Mbps       872.00 Mbps       67.01 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/3e559da3-c0c2-4ade-a380-a12eff01387f
 JP, fdcservers.net         825.86 Mbps       734.30 Mbps       81.66 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/3c683cf4-125e-46a4-8f73-db896d9651dd
 SG, i3D.net                931.16 Mbps       934.25 Mbps       1.63 ms     https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/53264a1b-97c3-47cd-b8e9-8f174f115049
 SG, NewMedia Express       931.88 Mbps       933.05 Mbps       1.81 ms     https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/21f305af-9c0e-47d8-ab56-8c632f2d92a3
 MY, Telekom Malaysia       911.69 Mbps       920.83 Mbps       42.92 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/8f637161-c9ed-48ba-8f2b-347f97e291e6
 MY, Celcom                 896.36 Mbps       877.72 Mbps       29.09 ms    https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/bc6db852-3a53-476d-9edf-16e1bb318114
 DE, GSL Networks           425.63 Mbps       916.04 Mbps       156.79 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/b7ca214c-1ddf-4f37-87a7-c6b2d4623bea
 DE, wirsNET                152.31 Mbps       161.49 Mbps       155.12 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/60332b1f-4b13-43a2-96b8-f79a22f35647
 TR, Turkcell               458.15 Mbps       824.34 Mbps       191.30 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/81bc51e6-b8c3-4bef-9f69-7d0530dc081e
 TR, TurkNet                473.40 Mbps       633.61 Mbps       191.99 ms   https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/562dc9c8-9b9c-45fb-9d6e-6ee930194f9a

iperf3 測試

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | busy            | 222 Mbits/sec   | 157 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | 230 Mbits/sec   | 182 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 642 Mbits/sec   | 452 Mbits/sec   | 163 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 755 Mbits/sec   | busy            | 119 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 518 Mbits/sec   | 70.2 Mbits/sec  | 249 ms         
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 629 Mbits/sec   | 210 Mbits/sec   | 205 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 612 Mbits/sec   | 130 Mbits/sec   | 179 ms        



traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.37 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-197.datapacket.com (  2.11 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl223.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.79 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  3462-sg1-ix.equinix.com (  54.27 ms  AS3491  Singapore, equinix.com
 5  220-128-6-194.hinet-ip.hinet.net (  54.10 ms  *  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, cht.com.tw
 6  tpdb-3031.hinet.net (  54.61 ms  *  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, cht.com.tw
 7  tpdb-3311.hinet.net (  54.50 ms  *  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, cht.com.tw
 8  203-74-40-169.hinet-ip.hinet.net (  54.72 ms  AS3462  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, cht.com.tw
 9  dns.hinet.net (  54.38 ms  AS3462  China, Taiwan, cht.com.tw
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.547 ms  2.340 ms  3.011 ms
 2  unn-169-150-207-196.datapacket.com (  1.106 ms unn-169-150-207-197.datapacket.com (  1.565 ms  1.732 ms
 3  vl221.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.156 ms vl223.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.781 ms vl222.sgp-eq3-core-2.cdn77.com (  1.334 ms
 4  9505.sgw.equinix.com (  2.265 ms  45.283 ms  26.501 ms
 5  203-78-181-173.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  81.309 ms 203-78-181-37.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  81.828 ms  76.842 ms
 6  203-78-181-210.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  76.269 ms  80.159 ms  80.561 ms
 7  175-41-61-126.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  75.983 ms  78.055 ms  70.982 ms
 8  r58-4.seed.net.tw (  59.242 ms h96-192-72-124.seed.net.tw (  66.967 ms r58-4.seed.net.tw (  65.989 ms
 9  r58-146.seed.net.tw (  66.689 ms  78.231 ms r57-186.seed.net.tw (  77.193 ms
10  r57-90.seed.net.tw (  79.636 ms r57-110.seed.net.tw (  66.711 ms r57-14.seed.net.tw (  68.676 ms
11  h1-210-243-157.seed.net.tw (  70.639 ms  75.598 ms  82.455 ms
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.70 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-197.datapacket.com (  1.67 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl223.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.89 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  vl1104.hkg-eq2-core-1.cdn77.com (  39.15 ms  *  China, Hong Kong, datacamp.co.uk
 5  twgate-hkg.cdn77.com (  68.12 ms  AS60068  China, Hong Kong, cdn77.com
 6  175-41-60-233.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  72.25 ms  AS9505  China, Hong Kong, twgate.net
 7  175-41-60-57.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  67.68 ms  AS9505  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twgate.net
 8  203-78-181-134.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  67.59 ms  AS9505  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twgate.net
 9  203-78-187-78.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  67.62 ms  AS9505  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twgate.net
10  203-79-253-161.ebix.net.tw (  67.36 ms  AS17709  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, aptg.com.tw
11  IL203-79-251-46.static.apol.com.tw (  68.66 ms  AS17709  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, aptg.com.tw
12  *
13  dns.octor.com (  68.05 ms  AS9311  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, aptg.com.tw
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.56 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-196.datapacket.com (  1.20 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl221.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.25 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  vl1104.hkg-eq2-core-1.cdn77.com (  38.77 ms  *  China, Hong Kong, datacamp.co.uk
 5  twgate-hkg.cdn77.com (  66.34 ms  AS60068  China, Hong Kong, cdn77.com
 6  175-41-60-217.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  64.11 ms  AS9505  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twgate.net
 7  203-78-181-214.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  62.80 ms  AS9505  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twgate.net
 8  175-41-63-86.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  62.73 ms  AS9505  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twgate.net
 9  63.15 ms  AS18182  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, so-net.net.tw
10  74.86 ms  AS18182  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, so-net.net.tw
11  *
12  gw.so-net.net.tw (  63.47 ms  AS18182  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, so-net.net.tw
13  gw.so-net.net.tw (  63.04 ms  AS18182  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, so-net.net.tw
14  ns1.so-net.net.tw (  63.42 ms  AS18182  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, so-net.net.tw
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.28 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-196.datapacket.com (  1.16 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl222.sgp-eq3-core-2.cdn77.com (  1.29 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  vl1104.hkg-eq2-core-1.cdn77.com (  38.67 ms  *  China, Hong Kong, datacamp.co.uk
 5  twgate-hkg.cdn77.com (  66.25 ms  AS60068  China, Hong Kong, cdn77.com
 6  175-41-60-233.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  71.64 ms  AS9505  China, Hong Kong, twgate.net
 7  175-41-60-57.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  63.34 ms  AS9505  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twgate.net
 8  203-78-181-134.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  64.32 ms  AS9505  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twgate.net
 9  175-41-63-190.twgate-ip.twgate.net (  78.70 ms  AS9505  China, Taiwan, twgate.net
10  60-199-14-242.static.tfn.net.tw (  63.94 ms  AS9924  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twmbroadband.com
11  219-87-66-1.static.tfn.net.tw (  63.30 ms  AS9924  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twmbroadband.com
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.32 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-196.datapacket.com (  1.16 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl222.sgp-eq3-core-2.cdn77.com (  1.42 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  vl212.sgp-eq3-edge-1.cdn77.com (  1.26 ms  *  Singapore, cdn77.com
 5  snge-b5-link.ip.twelve99.net (  1.01 ms  AS1299  Singapore, telia.com
 6  hnk-b4-link.ip.twelve99.net (  32.89 ms  AS1299  China, Hong Kong, telia.com
 7  flagtelecom-ic-372403.ip.twelve99-cust.net (  99.51 ms  AS1299  China, Hong Kong, telia.com
 8  60.27 ms  AS15412  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, globalcloudxchange.com
 9  59.44 ms  AS15412  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, globalcloudxchange.com
10  13-253-123-103-static.chief.net.tw (  59.75 ms  *  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, chief.com.tw
11  209-84-21-113-static.chief.net.tw (  58.93 ms  *  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, chief.com.tw
12  210-84-21-113-static.chief.net.tw (  59.63 ms  *  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, chief.com.tw
13  59.95 ms  AS131584  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, taifo.com.tw
14  *
15  59.81 ms  AS131584  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, taifo.com.tw
16  60.04 ms  AS131584  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, taifo.com.tw
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.24 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-197.datapacket.com (  1.61 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl224.sgp-eq3-core-2.cdn77.com (  1.39 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  63-216-147-41.static.pccwglobal.net (  2.02 ms  AS3491,AS31713  Singapore, pccw.com
 5  Bundle-Ether45.br02.tap04.pccwbtn.net (  83.48 ms  AS3491,AS31713  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, pccw.com
 6  ncic.be6.br01.tap04.pccwbtn.net (  97.61 ms  AS3491,AS31713  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, pccw.com
 7  60-199-14-242.static.tfn.net.tw (  66.79 ms  AS9924  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twmbroadband.com
 8  60-199-3-121.static.tfn.net.tw (  66.60 ms  AS9924  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twmbroadband.com
 9  60-199-47-106.static.tfn.net.tw (  66.45 ms  AS9924  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twmbroadband.com
10  219-80-114-102.static.tfn.net.tw (  67.20 ms  AS9924  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, twmbroadband.com
11  *
12  *
13  123-195-236-110.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw (  67.32 ms  AS9924  China, Taiwan, Taipei City, kbro.com.tw


traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.25 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-196.datapacket.com (  1.19 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl221.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.20 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  vl250.sgp-eq3-core-2.cdn77.com (  1.43 ms  AS60068  Singapore, cdn77.com
 5  63-216-147-41.static.pccwglobal.net (  1.87 ms  AS3491,AS31713  Singapore, pccw.com
 6  *
 7  TenGE0-2-0-1.br03.lax05.pccwbtn.net (  181.89 ms  AS3491,AS31713  United States, California, Los Angeles, pccw.com
 8  187.91 ms  AS4134  United States, California, Los Angeles, ChinaTelecom
 9  *
10  *
11  *
12  *
13 (  336.23 ms  AS4847  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
14  bj141-147-210.bjtelecom.net (  333.58 ms  AS4847  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.34 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-196.datapacket.com (  1.27 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl221.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.42 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  ae-27.r00.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  2.19 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 5  *
 6  ae-1.a00.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  3.24 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 7  *
 8  *
 9  342.56 ms  AS4134  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
10  *
11  326.29 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
12  *
13  *
14  ns-pd.online.sh.cn (  339.88 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  7.51 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-197.datapacket.com (  1.66 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl224.sgp-eq3-core-2.cdn77.com (  1.39 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  ae-15.r01.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  2.64 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 5  *
 6  *
 7  *
 8  339.36 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
 9  337.43 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
10  *
11  *
12  *
13  343.44 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaTelecom
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  3.86 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-197.datapacket.com (  1.66 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl223.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.79 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  ae-27.r00.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  2.29 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 5  *
 6  ae-4.r27.osakjp02.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  76.68 ms  AS2914  Japan, Osaka, ntt.com
 7  ae-2.r03.osakjp02.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  77.48 ms  AS2914  Japan, Osaka, ntt.com
 8  *
 9  267.02 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
10  *
11  277.62 ms  AS4808  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
12  273.44 ms  AS4808  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.87 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-197.datapacket.com (  1.60 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl223.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.83 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  ae-27.r00.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  2.40 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 5  ae-0.r23.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  2.12 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 6  ae-1.r01.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  2.48 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 7  ae-11.edge3.Singapore3.Level3.net (  1.61 ms  AS3356  Singapore, level3.com
 8  181.93 ms  AS3356  United States, California, San Jose, level3.com
 9  CHINA-NETCO.edge1.SanJose3.Level3.net (  180.21 ms  AS3356  United States, California, San Jose, level3.com
10  369.63 ms  AS4837  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
11  360.09 ms  AS4837  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
12  *
13  353.35 ms  AS17621  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
14  *
15  391.84 ms  AS17621  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.31 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-196.datapacket.com (  1.12 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl222.sgp-eq3-core-2.cdn77.com (  1.33 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  ae-15.r01.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.80 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 5  *
 6  ae-17.r31.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  68.49 ms  AS2914  Japan, Tokyo, ntt.com
 7  ae-3.r03.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net (  69.30 ms  AS2914  Japan, Tokyo, ntt.com
 8  247.55 ms  AS4837  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
 9  268.62 ms  AS4837  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
10  *
11  *
12  265.69 ms  AS17623  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaUnicom
13  dns2-ftcg.gdsz.cncnet.net (  253.22 ms  AS17623  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaUnicom
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  18.55 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-196.datapacket.com (  1.21 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl221.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.21 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  ae-27.r00.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.94 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 5  ae-3.r22.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  2.66 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 6  *
 7  ae-1.a02.tkokhk01.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net (  34.65 ms  AS2914  China, Hong Kong, ntt.com
 8  *
 9  *
10  38.76 ms  AS58453  China, Hong Kong, ChinaMobile
11  *
12  *
13  *
14  *
15  *
16  *
17  cachedns03.bj.chinamobile.com (  241.17 ms  AS56048  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  3.24 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-197.datapacket.com (  1.60 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl224.sgp-eq3-core-2.cdn77.com (  1.31 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  ae-15.r01.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  2.26 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 5  ce-0-11-0-1.r01.sngpsi07.sg.ce.gin.ntt.net (  3.00 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 6  *
 7  228.60 ms  AS58453  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
 8  226.11 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
 9  228.81 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
10  229.75 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
11  *
12  233.25 ms  AS24400  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
13  233.49 ms  AS24400  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
14  234.54 ms  AS24400  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.34 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-196.datapacket.com (  1.20 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl221.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.25 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  ae-27.r00.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.85 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 5  *
 6  ae-1.r01.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.94 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 7  ce-0-11-0-1.r01.sngpsi07.sg.ce.gin.ntt.net (  6.86 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 8  *
 9  *
10  227.94 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
11  230.68 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
12  *
13  *
14  244.23 ms  AS9808  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
15  246.86 ms  AS9808  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
16  ns6.gd.cnmobile.net (  246.80 ms  AS56040  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaMobile
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  bloom.host (  1.32 ms  AS399244  Singapore, limewave.net
 2  unn-169-150-207-197.datapacket.com (  1.61 ms  AS60068  Singapore, charleston.k12.sc.us
 3  vl223.sgp-eq3-core-1.cdn77.com (  1.86 ms  *  Singapore, datacamp.co.uk
 4  58453.sgw.equinix.com (  2.56 ms  AS3491  Singapore, equinix.com
 5  35.48 ms  AS58453  China, Hong Kong, ChinaMobile
 6  35.35 ms  AS58453  China, Hong Kong, ChinaMobile
 7  34.95 ms  AS58453  China, Hong Kong, ChinaMobile
 8  35.11 ms  AS4538  China, Hong Kong, CHINAEDU
 9  68.89 ms  AS4538  China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
10  *
11  69.70 ms  AS4538  China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
12  *
13  96.38 ms  AS4538  China, Sichuan, Chengdu, CHINAEDU
14  98.62 ms  AS4538  China, Sichuan, Chengdu, CHINAEDU
15  *
16  *
17  *
18  *
19  96.07 ms  AS24355  China, Sichuan, Chengdu, CHINAEDU



============[ Multination ]============
 Dazn:                                  Yes (Region: SG)
 HotStar:                               Yes (Region: US)
 Disney+:                               No
 Netflix:                               Yes (Region: US)
 YouTube Premium:                       Yes
 Amazon Prime Video:                    Yes (Region: US)
 TVBAnywhere+:                          Yes
 iQyi Oversea Region:                   US
 Viu.com:                               Yes (Region: SG)
 YouTube CDN:                           Singapore 
 Netflix Preferred CDN:                 Washington DC  
 Spotify Registration:                  Yes (Region: SG)
 Steam Currency:                        SGD
 ChatGPT:                               Yes
==============[ Taiwan ]===============
 KKTV:                                  No
 LiTV:                                  No
 MyVideo:                               No
 4GTV.TV:                               No
 LineTV.TW:                             No
 Hami Video:                            No
 CatchPlay+:                            Yes
 HBO GO Asia:                           Yes (Region: SG)
 Bahamut Anime:                         Failed (Network Connection)
 Bilibili Taiwan Only:                  No
=============[ Hong Kong ]=============
 Now E:                                 Failed (Unexpected Result: )
 Viu.TV:                                No
 MyTVSuper:                             No
 HBO GO Asia:                           Yes (Region: SG)
 BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan:        No
===============[ Japan ]===============
 DMM:                                   Unsupported
 DMM TV:                                No
 Abema.TV:                              Oversea Only
 Niconico:                              No
 music.jp:                              No
 Telasa:                                Yes
 Paravi:                                No
 U-NEXT:                                No
 Hulu Japan:                            No
 TVer:                                  Yes
 GYAO!:                                 Yes
 WOWOW:                                 Failed
 VideoMarket:                           Failed (Unexpected Result: 404)
 FOD(Fuji TV):                          No
 Radiko:                                No
 Karaoke@DAM:                           No
 J:com On Demand:                       No
 Kancolle Japan:                        No
 Pretty Derby Japan:                    Yes
 Konosuba Fantastic Days:               No
 Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan:        Yes
 World Flipper Japan:                   Yes
 Project Sekai: Colorful Stage:         No
===========[ North America ]===========
 FOX:                                   No
 Hulu:                                  Failed
 NFL+:                                  No
 ESPN+:[Sponsored by Jam]               No
 Epix:                                  No
 Starz:                                 No
 Philo:                                 No
 FXNOW:                                 Yes
 TLC GO:                                No
 HBO Max:                               Yes
 Shudder:                               No
 BritBox:                               Yes
 Crackle:                               Yes
 CW TV:                                 No
 A&E TV:                                No
 NBA TV:                                Yes
 NBC TV:                                No
 Fubo TV:                               Yes
 Tubi TV:                               Yes
 Sling TV:                              Yes
 Pluto TV:                              Yes
 Acorn TV:                              Yes
 SHOWTIME:                              Yes
 encoreTVB:                             No
 Funimation:                            No
 Discovery+:                            No
 Paramount+:                            No
 Peacock TV:                            Yes
 Popcornflix:                           No
 Crunchyroll:                           Yes
 Directv Stream:                        No
 KBS American:                          Yes
 KOCOWA:                                No
 Maths Spot:                            Failed (Network Connection)
 CBC Gem:                               No
 Crave:                                 Yes
===========[ South America ]===========
 Star+:                                 No
 HBO Max:                               Yes
 DirecTV Go:                            Yes (Region: REGISTRARSE)
 Funimation:                            No
===============[ Europe ]==============
 Rakuten TV:                            Yes
 Funimation:                            No
 SkyShowTime:                           No
 HBO Max:                               Yes
 Maths Spot:                            Failed (Network Connection)
 Sky Go:                                Yes
 BritBox:                               Yes
 ITV Hub:                               No
 Channel 4:                             No
 Channel 5:                             No
 BBC iPLAYER:                           No
 Discovery+ UK:                         No
 Salto:                                 Failed (Network Connection)
 Canal+:                                No
 Molotov:                               No
 Joyn:                                  No
 Sky:                                   No
 ZDF:                                   No
 NLZIET:                                Failed
 videoland:                             Failed (Network Connection)
 NPO Start Plus:                        No
 PANTAYA:                               Failed (Network Connection)
 Rai Play:                              Yes
 Amediateka:                            Yes
==============[ Oceania ]==============
 NBA TV:                                Yes
 Acorn TV:                              Yes
 SHOWTIME:                              Yes
 BritBox:                               Yes
 Funimation:                            No
 Paramount+:                            No
 Stan:                                  Yes
 Binge:                                 Yes
 Docplay:                               No
 7plus:                                 No
 Channel 9:                             No
 Channel 10:                            No
 ABC iView:                             No
 Kayo Sports:                           No
 Optus Sports:                          No
 SBS on Demand:                         No
 Neon TV:                               Yes
 SkyGo NZ:                              No
 ThreeNow:                              No
 Maori TV:                              Yes
==============[ Korean ]===============
 Wavve:                                 No
 Tving:                                 No
 Coupang Play:                          No
 Naver TV:                              No
 Afreeca TV:                            Yes
 KBS Domestic:                          No